Summer Care Tips for Cancer Patients: Four Tips to Stay Safe, Keep Cool, and Comfort Skin with The Balm Box

Summer allows all of us to have more fun outside, but for cancer patients, more risks present themselves. Don't worry though – with a few thoughtful precautions, everyone can enjoy the warm weather safely. Here are our tips for caring for cancer patients during the summer.
- Keep Hydrated at All Times - It’s hot outside! Even when we aren’t thirsty, our bodies are working over time with water for a lot of other bodily functions. Regular hydration doesn’t just help us get through the summer heat; for cancer patients, water is essential for recovery.
- Protect from the Sun with Clothing and High SPF Sunblock - It’s sunny outside, too! The sun’s UV rays and heat offer new risks to cancer patients, especially if their skin is already sensitive from treatment. Use clothing to cover up and sunblock to protect patients from UV rays.
- Avoid Infective Areas (Especially when Swimming) - Well, if it’s hot and sunny, let’s go for a swim to cool off, right? Well, unfortunately, pools and open water can have lots of germs, which are a real problem when a cancer patient has undergone radiation and is immunocompromised.
- Watch for Signs of Exhaustion - Heat Stroke and exhaustion are threatening as the temperature increases, and cancer treatment already takes a lot out of patients. It’s important to be extra vigilant for early signs, like headaches, nausea, and hot skin. If you notice these, cool off and rehydrate - preferably with electrolyte-rich drinks - as soon as possible.
Summer is all about making memories and enjoying the little moments, even when dealing with cancer! With these tips, you can help ensure that cancer patients have a safe, enjoyable summer filled with sunshine and smiles.
For more tips and specially curated products designed to support cancer care, browse our catalog! For example, our Radiation Therapy Product Line contains the products that will help cancer patients chill - in and out of the sun. With The Balm Box, you'll find these and more to meet the unique needs of cancer patients, ensuring they have the comfort and care they deserve!