The Finish Line is the Starting Line

I like to think of myself as a medical miracle. I survived four cancers over 8 years:
2009: Melanoma Skin Cancer
2010: Thyroid Cancer
2015: Basal Cell Skin Cancer
2017: Breast Cancer
By necessity, my approach to treating myself and my illnesses have changed over time. After experiencing VERY RARE side effects from thyroid surgery, I stopped automatically following ‘standard treatment’ protocols and took back control of my care and recovery process. I found that when I contributed to my treatment plans, I was better prepared for the inevitable side effects.
Although the melanoma was by far my most potentially lethal cancer, and the facial plastic surgeries for basal cell were incredibly painful, the breast cancer experience and treatment were the absolute worst. Perhaps I was overconfident about my youth and ability to fight it / overcome it, or it’s possible my fair skin was destined to react badly to radiation – it’s impossible to know. Regardless, despite thinking I would knock out radiation and be able to continue working full time and running half-marathons my body failed me and I was flabbergasted by my situation. There were two concurrent issues:
- It was incredibly difficult to predict what tools I would need to go through and recover from radiation until I was in the middle of it, scrambling for bra-alternatives, aluminum-free deodorant, and burn salves. A nurse made me a mini-pillow to hold between my seatbelt and breast so that the belt wouldn't chafe. There was no central resource, website, or retailer known for all this 'stuff' and I found myself up late at night researching page 20 searches on Google and Amazon looking for solutions. Most of the cancer-treatments and gifts online were pink ribboned cute/sassy t-shirts and mugs – I wanted relief not stuff.
- Friends and neighbors all want to DO something ... and they predominantly bring food/cook. It's super nice and appreciated, but honestly my husband and son are super picky eaters and would have preferred takeout. I wasn't able to exercise and would have preferred lighter / lower calorie fare. It was honestly frustrating because it was all so WELL MEANING but in reality, not awesome to receive.
I chose this featured image for so many reasons – it was taken at my “Finish Line” party, thrown by my dear friends Amy and Stacey after I completed my breast cancer treatments. It was a magical night, filled with cocktails and cake and laughter. The evening was made even more special by my friends Monique and Anne who flew into Kansas City from New York and Los Angeles to attend. In addition to my incredible family, I had – still have – an incredible support network of amazing women who are so smart, kind, hilarious, thoughtful, and FUN. They know when to bring the wine and when to enforce tough love.
The “Finish Line” party was where the seed for Balm Box started. Maybe there is some crazy kismet in the universe; the past ten years of cancer treatments leading me to the launch of something great. I certainly hope so.
Sometimes the finish line is actually the starting line.
And sometimes you've got to run the race again! That's right, Liz has officially gone from 4 time, to 5 time cancer survivor. You can read about that update here.
My Sister-in-law, for 50 years was diagnosed with breast cancer at her yearly mammogram . She had no signs whatsoever but mammography caught the cancer and since we had lost her precious Mother at age 57, Kim opted for a double mastectomy so she would never again live in fear of the other breast being attacked. Little did we know but what her decision revealed a minute cancerous lesion on the other breast which went totally undetected. Oh the power of prayers per which I am a prayer warrior and every day includes devoted prayers of healing for Kim, as she is going through such a difficult time with all of this, and with the priority that no one know, as she has a daughter with Down Syndrome who lost her boyfriend to terminal cancer so the “C Word” means death to my Niece, so all of us in the family have greatly increased our cards in the mail and text messages to our 37 year old Niece who is highly functioning and lives in her own assisted home and works baking Bundt cakes.
I have purchased many gifts for Kim and I regularly send her upbeat cards and letters as I know, from my own devastating prognosis with chronic pain and malignant melanoma, the power of receiving things in the mail as people at first gather around you, but then, all but the uttermost faithful friends, abandon you and depression sets in. You can’t control what happens to you in life, but you CAN control your attitude!! I’ve embraced that which I know came to me through His mercy and Grace. I have no cure and will continue my journey with chronic pain and be constantly checked for cancer lesions for the rest of my life, but it’s okay as I know God has a purpose only known to Him.
I’m writing prayerfully asking for prayers and inspiration for Kim. Also, I’m asking specifically about your plushy blankets in particular along with the power of your essential oils. I’ve gifted Kim with so many thoughtful gifts. I have heard many great things regarding the healing powers of Essential Oils and would so appreciate knowing which you most highly recommend for breast cancer, and chemotherapy comfort. Kim only has 1 chemo treatment left, and then the continuation of her breasts rebuilt. She had plastic surgery at the same time as her double mastectomy with extenders put in until the pockets are the size she wishes for her implants.
If the plushy blankets can be separately ordered with desired color, please respond with a link to order. I’m interested for myself too, and please educate me on the help of Essential oils and how to order individually.
Sincere gratitude to you, and for the inspirational wisdom to compile these incredible gifts of love and encouragement.
Cathi Steffens
Writing prayerfully for my Sister-in-law,
Kim Marshall…..any words of wisdom, I will dutifully send to Kim that she may find her way through the shadow of darkness, as you have done. xoxoxo
Cathi Steffens on
week later and I’m preparing myself for this unknown journey that doesn’t feel so fuzzy. I found The Balm Box and decided
to order a few things to begin to prepare for this process of
having some control over the process of going through all
the treatments and the process of healing. I’m amazed I
found Liz and so fast that I just had to order some items to have on hand in preparation. She immediately send me a
thank you email and also shared her cancer diagnosis over
the years and I tell you she’s one strong lady that’s a definite.
I placed my order on Monday and Tuesday it was already
shipped. I’m now waiting on my delivery and I’m more than
positive I will be very impressed with her attention to every detail. You can feel the sincerity of the Love she puts into her
care boxes and I haven’t even received my order yet. Some things you just know. Thank you Liz and God Bless you.
Rochelle Davis on
I had no idea you were going through all of this even while we worked with each other. You are certainly one tough lady! I love this idea and wish you much success as you help other women to navigate these uncertain and uncomfortable treatments. You are a fighter and a rockstar.
All my best,
Andrea Wilson
Andrea Wilson on